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Design positive

Design should positively impact humans and the environment. As we find ourselves living in a climate crisis, this statement is more relevant than ever. This belief lies at the core of why we do what we do. It plays a major part in the suppliers we choose, the way we approach our projects and everything we create. By considering the impact of our work we will reduce the negative, and design positive.

Read on to find out the steps we’ve taken so far to tackle the climate crisis. See how we plan to become net zero by 2030 and our timeline for getting there.

B Corporation

At the beginning of 2021, ilka became the first certified B Corporation design studio in Scotland. ilka is verified to meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance. This means our values and business practice are working together as a force for good. It’s time to set new accountability and transparency standards for Scottish creative businesses. To challenge others in our sector to do better.

1% for the Planet

In 2022 we became a member of 1% for the Planet. We proudly donate 1% of our annual profits to non-profit organisations and environmental causes.

Race to Zero

As we move forward, we must keep pushing ourselves to do better. We can’t sit back when action is needed. As a member of B Corp Climate Collective we have joined the Race To Zero. This campaign mobilizes leading net zero initiatives. It represents cities, regions, businesses, investors and Higher Education Institutions who are working to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Each year, building on our science-based strategy to reduce and offset our emissions, ilka commit to net zero carbon emissions by 2030.

Adding it up

Before we can become net zero, first we need to understand our emissions.
These fall under three scopes:

  • Scope 1: direct emissions that we create and can control day-to-day.
  • Scope 2: indirect emissions that we cause through the production of the energy we use.
  • Scope 3: other indirect emissions that we don’t own or control but are responsible for.

Scopes 1 and 2 emissions are the easiest for us to control. We have chosen our suppliers carefully, ensuring that they share our values. Emissions associated with scopes 1 and 2 are either carbon neutral or from companies on the net zero by 2030 journey with us.

Scope 3 offers more of challenge. We used tools like Compare Your Footprint and the SME Climate Hub calculator to establish that we are indirectly responsible for 2.71 tonnes CO₂e per year.

These emissions come from:

  • Public commuting
  • Commuting by car
  • Business Travel
  • Business trips – hotel and meals
  • Delivery and installation of our work
  • Office equipment and sundries
  • Staff entertaining

Now we are aware of how much CO₂e per year we generate, we can do something about it. We will always look to reduce emissions first and offset second. We know it is important to offset responsibly to avoid greenwashing.

How we'll get there

We call for climate justice. Our offsetting will focus on initiatives on the front line of the climate crisis. People and places bearing the brunt of climate change despite doing the least to cause it. We want our offsets to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Particularly the goals we actively support:

  • SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Each year we will reflect and reassess how best we can offset our emissions. It will always meet the gold standard. We will support carbon sinks/technologies that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

This year we have chosen to support Solar Cooking for Refugees in Chad. We have chosen this way of offsetting our emissions because it connects with the SDGs, keeps women and families safer and produces clean energy. Each year this project saves 20,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere.

Timeline for change


  • Understand and calculate our emissions for scope 3 to give us an initial ‘base year.’
  • Offset our emissions for scope 3


  • Get a more accurate idea of Scope 3 emissions
  • Find out emissions for Scopes 1 and 2 associated with companies who are aiming for net zero by 2030 but have not yet got there.
  • Offset all emissions


  • Reflect on previous year and set a reduction goal.
  • Choose the best way to offset out emissions

Each year we will look at the best ways that we can make progress to reduce our emissions and develop our strategy. We will be open and transparent about the steps we are taking in the hope we might inspire others to take their first step on this journey. Together we will stop climate change.

Studio 204, Axiom, 54 Washington Street, Glasgow, G3 8AZ Google Maps